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Showing posts from January, 2020

Five reasons I love The Good Place

Well, folks. It looks like the series finale of The Good Place is upon us. And to celebrate that, I’ve decided to pull together my top five reasons why I love the show. So whether you’ve already watched and loved the show, or whether you’re simply intrigued and want to know whether to watch it, have a seat and let’s get started. It’s ridiculously funny For a show about the afterlife that contains a heavy dose of philosophy, The Good Place still manages to retain its credibility as a comedy. I love the way it’s filled with dumb jokes, from the verbal musings of Jason Mendoza to the puns hidden around the neighbourhood on store fronts and signs. It’s one of those shows that keep being funny no matter how many times you watch, and every time you go back you find there’s at least one joke you hadn’t picked up on before, or that you had forgotten existed. It also taught me a fair bit about philosophy I’ll admit, I was sort of interested in things like philosophy and p

I Predict A Riot: Angel #8, Buffy #11, and Hellmouth #4

This week it's a bumper review of the Buffyverse comics by Boom! Studios. With the Angel comics taking on Wolfram and Hart, the Scoobies and Kendra facing problems in Sunnydale, and things coming to a head in the Hellmouth, we're drawing closer to several big battles. So here we go... Angel #8 Picking up where we left off, with Fred being encouraged by Lilah to switch allegiances and Spike and Gunn desperate to rescue her, Angel issue eight begins pulling the threads of the story a little tighter together. We finally get an idea of what Wolfram and Hart are capable of in these comics, and we also get a potential glimpse of the power Fred possesses. And with the comic wrapping by having Spike apparently committing to being one of the good guys, it looks like we’re starting to head towards a clear Angel Investigations group. Perhaps what I found most interesting about this issue is how Wolfram and Hart come across, with hit men coming after Spike and Gunn in a fas

I’ve got 99 books and I haven’t read one: Ways to get back into reading

I doubt I’m the only one with a stack of books to read, along with dozens of books sitting on my shelves or in boxes. I also doubt I’m the only one who endlessly makes excuses not to read while simultaneously purchasing new books to add to the now-teetering piles and groaning shelves. But I’ll admit I’m starting to grow frustrated with the steady accumulation of books that are still waiting to be read or re-read. I’m sure I’m not alone in this and, while that’s somewhat reassuring, it also got me thinking. How can those of us who want to get back into reading take that first step? So I’ve compiled five suggestions that might help me- and you- fall back into a book. 1. Set reading challenges On the first of January this year, I set up my reading challenge on Goodreads. I wanted to aim for thirty books. That gives me three books a month for ten months, or two and a half books a month for twelve months. Those numbers aren’t too daunting, and if I go over that then that’s gre

From Gallifrey, With Love- Doctor Who: Spyfall Parts I and II Review

Warning: Spoilers ahead! Like many people, I had been eagerly anticipating Doctor Who series twelve since the trailer dropped before Christmas. Having enjoyed Whittaker’s Doctor in series eleven, I found that I was quite keen to see her tackle more stories, along with companions Yaz (Mandip Gill), Ryan (Tosin Cole), and Graham (Bradley Walsh). Spyfall Part I , airing on New Year’s Day, was very enjoyable for me and was certainly entertaining. I hadn’t realised until only a few days before that the episode would be sixty-five minutes instead of the fifty minutes customary for last series, and I have to admit that I felt it could have been a little shorter. The first forty-five minutes or so was great, but I’ll admit as we neared an hour I found myself growing just a tiny bit distracted. I think perhaps clocking the episode in at a round hour might have been a little better, if I’m honest, but this small issue wasn’t enough to completely change my opinion of the epi