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Showing posts from January, 2021

Vengeance is a dish best served cold: Buffy #21 review

 The first Buffy issue of 2021 was certainly an eye-opener, particularly as it focused on everyone’s favourite Vengeance Demon. With Anya Jenkins at the heart of her own issue, it gave us a fun, fast-paced backstory explaining just how she got into the position we saw her in at the end of last issue. We also learn a great deal more about Morgan, the Slayer who has teamed up with Anya in an attempt to take down Giles, Wesley, and Robin. The first thing we learn is that Anya’s origin story is pretty much the same as in the show; Olaf cheated on her, she turned him into a troll, D’Hoffren offered her a job. But the second thing we learn is that Anya’s stint as a Watcher was actually surprisingly similar in a way to Giles’s. Or at least, Giles’s stint on-screen. Anya is fired by the head of the Watcher’s Council because her behaviour is ‘rebellious and out of line’, leaving Anya to argue that her Slayer would have died had she not acted. She is then informed that the Council is not inten