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Showing posts from November, 2020

Werewolves and Vampires and Slayers, Oh my! : Angel & Spike #15 and Buffy #19 review

With Covid still doing a number on the comic schedule, we’re still an issue behind with Willow . But Angel and Spike, as well as Buffy and Kendra, are still muddling through their own storylines and it looks like this month some more familiar faces are joining the fold... Angel issue 15 The latest issue of Angel & Spike has unfortunately, once again, failed to actually pique my interest. Anyone who’s been keeping track of my reviews will know that I’ve not exactly been blown away by these comics even when there were snippets that held my interest, but it seems that even those snippets have disappeared now. I had known before my issue arrived that some people had been really quite unimpressed by the issue, but now with a copy of it in my hands I think ‘unimpressed’ is perhaps a bit of an understatement. Frustratingly, the comics are continuing to push the Angel and Kate story of Kate being a reincarnation of some woman Angelus turned and killed with, and they’re also doubling